4 Road Trip Essentials

This week N and I are lucky enough to be on vacation with N's family. What does that mean? ROAD TRIP! Our drive to meet up with family was only about 4 hours, but I still consider that a road trip worthy of preparation. I thought I would share some of that preparation with all of you.

Here is my list of Road Trip Essentials.


Snack are so important on our raod trips. We are poor college students, and we don't want to have to stop to buy food on our drives. In order to avoid that, we pack snacks.


One of our favorite road trip snacks is trail mix. We usually get the one with the M&Ms in it. It has a good mix of salty and sweet, and the nuts provide some good protein. One of N's favorite road trip snacks is an apple. This is something that he is able to eat while he drives (it is pretty impressive), and it is filling. There are so many good road trip snacks. Dehydrated fruit, fruit snacks, granola bars, and sandwhiches are other great options.


It is easy to forget to stay hydrated when you are sitting in a car for a long time, but it is so important.


When N and I travel, we each bring a drink container full of water. That way, we can fill it up again when we stop for gas. Growing up, my mom would always pack a cooler full of drinks. This is a good way to stay hydrated and have a variety of drinks. Gatorade or other sports drinks can also be a good source of hydration on a long trip. Soda does not do a good job of hydrating you. So, we try to avoid it on road trips.


While driving across the country earlier this year, N and I drove through quite a few places where there seemed to be nothing for miles. The entertainment we brought along was the only reason I was able to stay awake on those long stretches.

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Music is my main source of entertainment on road trips. You may see me driving down the road, singing at the top of my lungs, and dancing like nobody is there. N likes to listen to audio books. He is much less embarassing while driving. There are plenty of fun games to play on road trips if you have kids. On my summer road trips to camp as a kid, I brought coloring books, reading books, and music.

Emergency Supplies

You never know when something might happen on a road trip. It is always important to be prepared. We always had an emergency kit and a first aid kit in our trunk growing up. We also always made sure there was a spare tire in the back.


What do you absolutely have to have on your raod trips? I can't wait to hear!

6 thoughts on “4 Road Trip Essentials

  1. A.J. Bozdar says:

    This seems a wonderful car trip. I would say, you have taken all the care. I never had a car trip because I do not have one. I mostly take long-distance buses, very cost-effective and secure in my (developing) country. I do take snacks like chips or boiled corn, sometimes dry fruit as well but not each time. I would follow through your journey via the Internet. I use English as a second language and have a personal website where I keep practising my English Writing. I invite you to pay a visit.

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